

Sorry Dear Readers,

No mid month blog for the moment.

After two hours of trying we could not get our blog to show as we would wish and post our pic.

Will try again, maybe later.

hugs and kisses

dolltime. .............

One last go (a few hours later).

Of Sheds and Men.

Nony: What is it with men and sheds? In Oz they say "Every man needs a shed".
Tash: My dear Nony you of all should know men like to go into 'boxes' and bang, grind and screw away

Besides the old one was full of holes, rusty, leaky and 'WAY TOO SMALL'.    :D


Nice shed mate 8) , hey did the girls help with the grinding, banning and screwing }:) :D .

I changed the smiley to one of ours as the one from ODC wouldn’t display :)


CoverDoll Publisher To err is human to forgive divine.

I seem to think you girls know it's our nature to go into boxes and beat ,bang and screw away.LOL. You girls cracked me up. I like the shed.

Seems like lots of changes at the House of Muzza.  But then some things never change, do they girls?

Mechwizard Consort to the Queen of Curves