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The Lies We Tell.

We've all done it haven't we! Telling lies in bed or, to put it another way, 'Lying about sex'.

"Yes, OMG, yes, yes, yes ohhh, yes" - God I wish he'd hurry up and finish so I can get some sleep (about 70% of women fake orgasm with penile intercourse alone).

"Of course I Love you" -  I've got my dick inside you haven't I. (A very common response from men to ensure a fuck or reassure a partner during a fuck).

"Yes it was fantastic for me too" - no, it was pretty darn average actually, but I don't want to hurt your feelings, maybe next time ... if there is a next time.

Sex should be a time when one can shed barriers, both physically and emotionally, and just be totally open - ideally - but in reality our inhibitions, the imbalance of the sexes or a certain element of fear (insecurity) get the better of us and we lie about sex .....


It's expensive, there's not much of it and it's not used that often. So what is the allure of Lingerie? Following on from last month blog about nudity, which is not really about sex, comfort certainly and perhaps raw sex, but with just a little covering of fancy lingerie and suddenly it's all about sensuality, eroticism, romance and sex.

Here are some of the elements that may make lingerie so enticing- perhaps you can think of some more .....
