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What Turns You On? - Fetishes.

A fetish, from the Portuguese fetico meaning enchantment, is the arousal one gets from, well, just about anything you can think of. We pretty much all have one (or three :)) in some form or other and to varying degrees. Normally regarded as an enhancing element to sex, it can be perceived as a disorder if it causes psychosocial distress, is significantly detrimental to life or an addiction. No one is sure how fetishes develop. Freud believed it derived from unconscious fear of Mothers genitals and Mens universal fear of castration - yeah, go figure :?. Anyway, today it is generally believed however that association is made in ones sexual development and once made is not easily unmade. Leaving aside some of the weirder examples, or not, it is most likely that one discovers some pleasure derived from variations of normal human sexuality and it grows from there.

So what turns you on?

Webcaming has become a multi billion dollar industry and big bucks can be made (especially if you are a young attractive woman) catering to every whim, fantasy and fetish from the safety of ones own home .....
