Members Blog

A place for members to put info on them and their dolls

Souvenir Session

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For the month of March Lilica wanted to do a little souvenir session. After contemplating her photos on her website, she remembered, this photo album, various photo shoots we've done together.

What memories, what photos :).


Fre01 :)

Slut Phobia.

It's a well known double standard. Women are more often than not labelled 'Sluts' for being sexually liberal while promiscuous men receive admiration and kudos.

Documentary film maker Sunny Bergman globetrots from San Francisco to Amsterdam with her portable confession tent-chamber to speak with passers-by about sex. The intimate set-up of air mattress and camera works a Freudian treat as people readily reveal eyebrow-raising details about their sexual experiences, fantasies and anxieties. Typical of the guys thoughts "If she has slept with more than 10 guys she's a Slut, if 35, oh boy that is disgusting". One can only ponder 'Why is it so"?

Many women feel pressured into restraining their sexual activities for fear of being labeled a ‘slut’. Simultaneously, many men, especially in their younger years, feel pressured to have as much sex as possible and with the most desirable mates (read: attractive females) as possible.
