Members Blog

A place for members to put info on them and their dolls

She's No Angel

As we approach Christmas 2014 I thought to do a piece on Miraculous Births in Mythology. You know the sort of thing, Krishna (India 1000 years BC) when the divine Vishnu descended into Devaki and was born as her son. Horus (Egypt 2000BC) born to Isis from the reassembled parts of Osiris and becoming the 'light' against the evil Set. Buddha (2500BC) when Queen Maya was whisked up into the mountains by angels and attended to by a magnificent white bull Elephant. Zoroaster (Iran 1200BC) whose mother was impregnated by a shaft of light & who reconciled between good and evil. Mithra (Persia 600BC) born from a rock by a lightburst from heaven to become the 'light of the world' and mediator between heaven and Earth. Lao-tse (China 500BC) conceived when his mother gazed upon a falling star and founded Taoism. Oh, and so many, many more, Jesus for example, born of a virgin.

But it all got too complicated and messy with so many translated variations and intertwining stories (Like Chinses Whispers) I gave up. Yet there were amazing similarities between all of them. As for me, if you have read my blog 'Who's Your Daddy' I am simply thinking about all the excuses women may have come up with over the eons to explain their unexpected pregnancies. Visitations from Zeus was very popular and then there was  "It's not my fault. I was visited by Angels" - sounds pretty good to me. But, speaking of Angels .... 

Anyhow, instead I decided to do slideshow of Natasha ...
