Members Blog

A place for members to put info on them and their dolls

The PORN Supremacy.

A few years ago it was claimed that 37% (& more) of the internet was Porn. The figures, based on some very spurious analysis of selected website clicks and extrapolation, excited the religious, interested Governments and oft continue to be quoted in the media for shock & awe. In actual fact more reliable research reveals that only about 4% of the web is Porn and around 14% of web users regularly access it. But as there are so many unsought interconnections which pop up on Porn sites, duplication of content and other factors, the truth is, nobody really knows exactly how much of the internet is Porn. But, like the Universe, even less than 5% of it is still a hell of a lot.

Immersing into Porn over the past month for research (well that's my excuse anyway lol) I found,...
