Lilica & Yurica, one year with their new AI Doll S+ bodies


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“Lilica & Yurica, one year with their new AI Doll S+ bodies”

It's been a year since Lilica & Yurica got their new AI Doll S+ bodies made by 4Woods Europe. For financial reasons, I waited many years before I could give them each a new body and when I finally could, I indulged myself in choosing and configuring their new bodies. Grains of skin positioned on different parts of their bodies; articulated fingers with custom manicures; pubic hair for Lilica, beardless for Yurica. It's a choice that I don't regret, even that of putting Lilica on an AI Doll S+ instead of her NEO J.

Even if they have the same body, it offers great possibilities for photos and savings in terms of clothing. 

With these new bodies, I enjoy the photos, the stagings, the outfits. I take great pleasure in photographing them. They are wonderful. Here you will find some photos taken over the past year. heart





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