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Parfum de Sexe.

A spray in the armpits, a spritz on the wrist and a dab behind the ears. Many men and women spend a lot of effort - and money - scenting themselves to attract a mate. In fact, many of the perfumes, deodorants and eau de colognes mask our natural body odours which potential mates find most appealing. Underneath all the gloss, fashion, physical appearance, etc lurks possibly the most discerning fuck factor of all - the sexual chemistry of smell. She (or He) might like how you look and what you say - but how you smell seals the deal.

A growing body of evidence is showing that, subconsciously, our 'scent' has more to do in attraction & mate selection than we may think .. There is a lot to it but picking out the bare essentials, summarising, avoiding technical jargon and the chemical stuff going on, studies have shown:

Sex Toys.

During and in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis 2008 / 2009 the sales of sex toys went up. It seems when finances are scarce Men and Women can do without many things, but not their toys. Statistics vary, but about half the population (male & female) of the developed and the more liberal of the developing world own or have owned a sex toy. This would be higher if they were more available in shops (Pharmacies and Supermarkets for example) and, of course there is no accounting for cucumbers or holey melons! Nearly all owners of sex toys agree that they give increased pleasure ..... and who could argue with that?

Here are a few facts and statistics regarding sex toys: ...

The CoverDoll/Song Matching Game Segment 91

Blog Category: 

Song Matching Game


Here is
game piece:

A brand new
game.  No songs have yet been associated with this picture.

The dolls
featured are Leynos185's Ericka and Saori.  Thank you for use of

What is the
this picture?
us what comes to mind !! *******----with a reply!

remember......I'm always looking for new doll pictures. If you have
a doll or dolls, and would like them to be featured, please send me a
message or an e-mail.
