Lovable Dolls

Silicone Dolls made by KnightHorse, LLC of USA


Sorry Dear Readers,

No mid month blog for the moment.

After two hours of trying we could not get our blog to show as we would wish and post our pic.

Will try again, maybe later.

hugs and kisses

dolltime. .............

One last go (a few hours later).

Of Sheds and Men.


Dear Readers,

We have gone Green.

Well, at any rate, we have installed Solar Power Panels and Solar Hot Water.

Nony just wants to show her green panties but Lubov is keeping her dress down - or is she helping to reveal ?

July Calendar Girl

Dear Readers,

What with being under a sheet for the last three weeks (home reno's) and our computer being in for repairs - how on earth we managed with this old one for so long  - and the house still in chaos there is no time for funnies this month. Just our July photo with no photoshop.

Now you may notice my thumb - flexible huh - No, actually muz took another 20 photos to try and get the same pose / expression without the bent thumb but I was not playing ball and it remained the best shot IOHO. So we post it.

If you want to see the next best check out
