Mishka1965's blog

Mishka's Studio - December and outdoors!

So the winter weather arrived in California, but since we are in a break between storms, I decided to go outdoors for a new photo shoot. This time I had the SinoDoll 162cm for the ocasion. I went to buy some clothing at thrift stores and came away with a bunch of stuff, which you can see on her below. She has a nice shirt, shorts and some woodstock era jewelry, yeah like the 60's. So for this shoot I had her in the late sun and used a ISO 200, F8 and a strobe flash aimed up to minimize glare. White balance was set at 7200 K.

Mishka's Studio - November and indoor studio shots

This month is back to indoors for many shoots and not because it is getting chilly, but because I routinely film indoors later in the year for holiday themed shoots. So for this blog, I am going to go over some setups on hanging dolls and how they are supported for filming. In the first pic the doll is hanging via a steel line from 2 winches. She has a hook in her neck which enables this. In this way she won't fall and can be stood in high heels quite easiliy as seen.

Mishka's Studio -Hot Rocktober and night shots

October was a great month. We had a doll meet as Dee's house and we featured and hosted a Rock&Roll theme. We all brought dolls and band gear to create the set. Over 30 dolls were present, which I think is a record so far, but we had a blast featuring our dolls at the meetup. We placed our gear on the stage and propped the dolls as if they were playing. We had smoke machines, lighting and great audio to fill the atmosphere. It was quite loud at times but everybody enjoyed it.
