Naughty Red Riding Hood


Strange things happened at the Doll Meet. Michelle flirting with Fenrir, he was bewitched by her eyes –she didn’t need the Æsir to bind him. And so knowing that there wasn’t a big bad wolf, she could go out into the woods safely. Looking for grandma … no, not grandma, maybe that lumberjack, or that photographer.

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When this photographer caught little red Michelle, she was naughtier than ever. She was wearing her red hooded shirt. The hoodie covered her head, but the shirt hardly covered her breasts. The photographer asked: What big boobs you have! –The better for you to grab me, she responded. And looking under her skirt he asked: What big pussy you’ve got! –The better for you to eat me, she responded.

Shameless she showed him all her goodies, and shamelessly he took her pictures. And they lived happily ever after.

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The poses are very successful and very realistic yes