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An Overseas Doll Photographer

DS Doll Photographer

He is a very detailed doll photographer. He might have said, he is an official DS Doll photographer. He might have said, he picks up the DS Doll CEO at the airport, and they go scouting for photoshoot locations. I dont know other languages. Either way, he is an excellent DS Doll photograher that prefers the countryside for doll photoshoots. I said, I'd give his portfolio a buzz, on Coverdoll.

His doll photoshoots are not easy:

CoverDoll Special – the English countryside

Blog Category: 

After the European/UK Doll Meet
we had a private meet at the English countryside. Lady Lissa was invited there,
or did she invite us? Well she’s the Duchess of the Four Woods, she can get what
she came for. There are woods, there is the Duchess, there are friends – or staff.
It makes me wonder  :?

Chloé’s Adventures (part 1)

Readers of The Doll Forum might remember Chloé’s story starting with a
flash of inspiration waking her up demanding a map. Getting dressed wasn't in
the picture - knowing where she was going was the more important thing.

She got dressed in working clothes and had her tools packed in a box by
the time I got up in the morning, and in the car made sure she knew where she
was going, equipped with emergency provisions.
