Mishka1965's blog

Mishka's Studio - Selection of Tripods

Hi All,

Last month I went over the various lenses one needs for doing a variety of photoshoots. This month, just as importantly, is the right selection of a good tripod.

Now I have some expertise in this because I have also bought those cheaper versions.

Those $19.95 tripods we see on amazon are great for their intended purpose of being a general light use tripod, but I found out they are very poor when working on a photoshoot that requires accurate framing and camera sbaility. 

Mishka's Studio - Selection of Lenses

Hi Folks,


This month, I am going over the critical choice of camera lenses for those with interchangeable lenses on DSLRs.

With so many options nowdays for lens selection, I will not go over all options, just the ones I use the most.

Besides photos of Dolls, I also take pics of landscapes and scenery, and have a large lens for that. For scenery, I use either a 300mm or 200mm for practical purposes, but also use a 3200mm when I want to see that bird 40 miles away!

Big or Small, the confusion of DX and FX formats

Hi All,

For this month in January, I am going to go over the issue many photographers face when buying a camera - Should I buy a DX or FX format camera (Nikon) or Full frame or APC sized Canon.

Why is this format stuff important?

Generally, most entry-level and mid-price DSLRs use an APS-C sized sensor, which has it's image sensor dimensions measuring 23.6 x 15.7mm (22.2 x 14.8mm on Canon DSLRs). 

Back in the film days, the rectangle that captured the image on a standard SLR (the film) was one size: 24mm x 36mm
