Personal News

The place to put personal news on members and their dolls

Size Matters!

Ever wondered why some women are so 'OMG' responsive during intercourse while others are, shall we say, "hard to please"?  Why the G Spot, famed for giving mega orgasms, is so elusive & hard to find? Or why some women offer an abundance of that delightful & beautiful warm wet ejaculate and many, none at all? Well it seems that 'Size Matters'. It's down there somewhere!

The size, relative position and 'sensitivity' of the clitoris, a large organ that straddles both side of the vagina, varies from woman to woman, even more than the size of mens penises. The following may enlighten ..

'Repose' (a photo-shoot).

Found an old photo-shoot not yet used. Credit to the photos goes to my Son, done around the same time as Cami's CoverDoll shoot, with which he also assisted. It is simply entitled 'Repose'.


For the rest of the photos (16 in all) click the following link.


I have no particular blog for this month. For some time now I have mostly blogged on matters pertaining to Sex / Eroticism to accompany the posted photo.

The subject interests me, especially as so often the reality is often at odds with societies culture and beliefs. But it has more to do with Real People rather than Dolls so, apart from a few faithful followers, I am not sure whether there is a wider interest in the information? Is anyone really interested in 'G' spotting,  Sex fact statistics from Norway or Women smelling their way to mating? Because those would be among the next topics.

However, for your entertainment, even as a 'Greenie' I found the following tale somewhat amusing.

Tantric Sex

Sex, in its essence is spiritual fire. Unfortunately many men and women of the world learn from their parents or culture that it is not OK to explore their sexuality to the full and grow up with the assumption that whatever they get is as good as it is going to get. And thus it is.

Lucky are the few who find a partner of kindred spirit, break free and fully commit to discover the powerful current of sexual energy that flows through them and explore their sensual nature to the full. For others, ..... well there are dolls to help us have the sensual pleasure and sexual fulfilment we crave.

It is a truism that "We are responsible for our own pleasure" but it is also true that ....  
