Personal News

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Parfum de Sexe.

A spray in the armpits, a spritz on the wrist and a dab behind the ears. Many men and women spend a lot of effort - and money - scenting themselves to attract a mate. In fact, many of the perfumes, deodorants and eau de colognes mask our natural body odours which potential mates find most appealing. Underneath all the gloss, fashion, physical appearance, etc lurks possibly the most discerning fuck factor of all - the sexual chemistry of smell. She (or He) might like how you look and what you say - but how you smell seals the deal.

A growing body of evidence is showing that, subconsciously, our 'scent' has more to do in attraction & mate selection than we may think .. There is a lot to it but picking out the bare essentials, summarising, avoiding technical jargon and the chemical stuff going on, studies have shown:

Sex and the Back Door.

Love it or hate it. Hot topic or taboo subject? Either way, Anal Sex has been around for centuries, on the rise over the past decade (according to Sexperts) and its practice not to be simply 'sniffed' at. Statistics are imprecise across the broader spectrum but more than two thirds of Homos' and one third of Heteros' have tried it, at least once, falling to around 50% and 25% (?) respectively on a 'more or less' regular basis. If not done right however it hurts -- a lot.

What became clear from the multitude of Articles, Blogs, Threads and their accompanying responses (applying to all groups and variations) are the rules for mutually satisfactory back door 'pleasure' ........
