Personal News

The place to put personal news on members and their dolls

What Turns You On? - Fetishes.

A fetish, from the Portuguese fetico meaning enchantment, is the arousal one gets from, well, just about anything you can think of. We pretty much all have one (or three :)) in some form or other and to varying degrees. Normally regarded as an enhancing element to sex, it can be perceived as a disorder if it causes psychosocial distress, is significantly detrimental to life or an addiction. No one is sure how fetishes develop. Freud believed it derived from unconscious fear of Mothers genitals and Mens universal fear of castration - yeah, go figure :?. Anyway, today it is generally believed however that association is made in ones sexual development and once made is not easily unmade. Leaving aside some of the weirder examples, or not, it is most likely that one discovers some pleasure derived from variations of normal human sexuality and it grows from there.

So what turns you on?

Webcaming has become a multi billion dollar industry and big bucks can be made (especially if you are a young attractive woman) catering to every whim, fantasy and fetish from the safety of ones own home .....

Sex and Old Age.

"Just because there's snow on the roof doesn't mean the Boiler has gone out". Anon.

There are possibly few things more horrifying to Teenagers than the idea of their Grandparents having Sex.  Yet have Sex they do - with 85% of the over 60's being sexually active declining to around 25% of the over 80's,  and that decline being partially due to ever increasing numbers, at these ages, of available partners 'disappearing into the great unknown', especially for women. And, probably to the chagrin of younger players, reports from participants often say "It's better than ever". :)

This should not be so surprising really. There's a lifetime of experience of course ......... and ....

Get Her To Keep Noticing You

OK, so you’ve made it through those first hurdles—she noticed you. You got her number, picked up the thousand pound phone to invite her out, and made it through the first date. Now that you’ve gotten her attention, how can you keep it? These tips will make you stand out from the rest so she’ll keep noticing you.


Get Noticed Even When You Aren’t With Her

 Make sure you’re always on her mind by letting her know she’s on yours. While you can never go wrong with flowers, they may be a little over the top for daily winks. Utilize apps like Instagram and Snapchat to send her pictures of things that remind you of her (no it’s not just for sexy selfies). Seriously, women love Snapchat. It’s a fun way to let her know you’re thinking about her and flirt a little.

Get Noticed For Being a Gentleman

This should go without saying, but be polite to everyone. Chances are if you’re berating the barista for screwing up your latte, you’ll be yelling at her over petty issues down the line. She’ll make note of this, no matter how kind and gentle you are with her now. Another example—if you’re picking her up, don’t drive like an asshole. This should also go without saying, but many guys think this excites women. How she’ll really interpret this is look out. This guy is a risk-taker and will put you in harm’s way to catch a thrill. Instead, use this as an opportunity to demonstrate your good qualities. So go ahead and let that guy over, it’s not a race.

