Personal News

The place to put personal news on members and their dolls

Sex Time.

Thinking about Sex? Often? Every seven seconds? Unlikely, that is an unsubstantiated urban myth. We do think about sex a lot however, either directly or indirectly. There is no 'norm', as we are all different, and it does depend somewhat on circumstances - but the median figures are around 25 times a day for men and about half that for women.

Sex Toys.

During and in the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis 2008 / 2009 the sales of sex toys went up. It seems when finances are scarce Men and Women can do without many things, but not their toys. Statistics vary, but about half the population (male & female) of the developed and the more liberal of the developing world own or have owned a sex toy. This would be higher if they were more available in shops (Pharmacies and Supermarkets for example) and, of course there is no accounting for cucumbers or holey melons! Nearly all owners of sex toys agree that they give increased pleasure ..... and who could argue with that?

Here are a few facts and statistics regarding sex toys: ...

Masturbation - Enjoy for Health.

We were sadly shocked, when initially googling this topic, that so many poor souls were deeply troubled by their masturbation and pleading for advice on how to stop it or control it. And I was further saddened by the ridiculous notions and advices put forward by the 'Agony Aunt' responders.  For heaven sake, where did the idea that masturbation is wrong come from? No, don't answer that ....}:)

Apart from breathing, drinking and eating it is possibly the next most healthiest thing you can do.

Regardless of cultural attitudes and values, masturbation has been found in all societies (and in the natural non-human world). 95% of men and 70% of women (give or take) do it. There are no harmful side effects (except any feeling of guilt which negativity can threaten a persons physical and mental well being) and it is good for you.

So what are the benefits of masturbation? Here are a few:

Sexual Fantasy.

Sexual Fantasy.


Most of us have or have had sexual fantasies at one time or another. And indeed 70% of men and women admit to having fantasised about someone else while having sex. Note the word 'admit' - one can but wonder about the other 30%.

Characteristically, Dolls don't care and are happy to accommodate whatever fantasy you may have. ;)



The thing about fantasy is that its all between the ears. Nothing is wrong or illegal because it is not real: Its Fantasy. In general the top fantasies are: (in no particular order as these vary too much from research study to research study).
