A carpet with eyes


Stellai’s blog January 2022: 

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A carpet with eyes

If you read this then it probably means that you have not yet given up on us. That’s great! Thank you so much!

 Having to write Stellai´s blog while she herself is not around in physical form to help us writing her blog is a bit of an inconvenience. But hey, we are ScoonimDolls and it is in our design to like a challenge. So we have put together a new episode for you of Stellai’s journey. Koen has been so kind (or Stellai forced him, which is a lot more likely) to tell us every detail of the report Stellai has been feeding him.

We feel we must tell you that since this blog is updated only once every two months, the events described here have already happened several months ago. But it would be a shame to rush through time just to catch up. So we'll give you the detailed version of the event that followed Stellai's shark story and seal our lips for the incredible event that came after the one written below. No spoilers in this blog! Oh, and it is no use trying to lure us into telling you. Even Padmina won't tell because we have hidden her head under the bed. And no, we are not going to tell you under which bed. Just so you know!

Stellai’s personal editorial team

Dibby, Nonamy and Padmina

Stellai, are you back on your feet?

I don't really have time to chat right now, Koen. No, I'm not back on my feet. In fact the opposite. I'm in horizontal position trying not to fall off this flying carpet. So unless it is real urgent what you need to ask, it will have to wait.

Flying carpet? I thought you had sunk to the bottom of the Arabian sea. Where are you? What happened?

Not much really. I was just walking my way to shore  in this ocean when all of the sudden the ground turned into a flying carpet. Knocked me right of my feet! The carpet flew through the water for a couple of meters and then carpeted itself again on the sand. Because it moves a lot faster than I do in this water, I have caught it and now I’m trying to ride it, but I have no knowledge of magic spells whatsoever. So right now it is more like taming the cat doll of our neighbors. Say, if you happen to know any magic spells to get control over flying carpets, then this is the time to tell me.

Sorry I wasn’t even aware of the existence of real flying carpets. As far as I know they only exist in fairy tales. But since you are somewhere in the Arabian sea and flying carpets are well known in Arabian folklore, I cannot exclude the possibility that at some point a real flying carpet has ended up the bottom of that sea and that by sheer coincidence you have found it.  Though I think it likely that somewhere soon a more plausible explanation will present itself.

So your answer is: “No spells!” Two words, Koen, you could have given your answer in two words! Now, if you will excuse me, I have a carpet to tame.

Say, this carpet of yours…. Does it have eyes?

Ahh, that is more like it. I think this carpet and I have come to an understanding. If I squeeze this flap then we go up and if I push here we go down. Pity that we are under water, otherwise I could sit on it like a fakir doll, which sure would be a lot more comfortable than this grabbing and holding on to the front side of this carpet. This more feels like Superwoman holding on to her cape that suddenly has got a will of its own and for some reason has gone completely bananas….. What was it you were saying?

Does this carpet of yours have eyes?

Eyes?? Of course not. Carpets do not have eyes. Though I must say that this thing here does look a bit like an eye…. And here is another one…. Two eyes….Hmm… Well, eyes make sense. A flying carpet obviously needs eyes, otherwise it would hit everything in its path.

*Sigh*….And does this carpet of yours also happen to have a tail, or a fin on the far side?

Blimey! My carpet has a tail!

Thought as much. Stellai, you are not flying a magical flying carpet. It is a ray.

A ray? As in ‘a beam of light’….. shaped like a flying carpet with a tail? Get real!!

It’s a fish, Stellai! It is not a carpet. This ray is fish, same as Mr. Ray in the Pixar movie Nemo.

Hmm…. It ain’t black with sparkles like Mr. Ray. This one looks more like a…. hmm…. a brownish carpet with a dot pattern, but indeed the shape of this carpet  is the same as the shape of Mr. Ray..... You know what, for once you might be right!

Hey, if I pinch this part here, it will go even faster. Wow!! With this speed we will reach shore in no time, that is, if we go in the right direction.

Stellai, don’t wear out that poor ray. It is not a racehorse. It´s probably just really scared, that’s why it is swimming fast. Just get it to the surface and then I hope you can see the shore. Then you know the direction. If you cannot see land, then head north.

North…. as if I have a compass with me…. Any more smart thoughts in that brain part of yours?

Hahaha,  wow, this is like flying with my power boots.  Let’s see if I can make this thing loop!

Just get to the surface and be gentle with that ray. It is a living creature, not a piece of machinery.

Ok, ok, I will go up and I will be gentle with it, but I think this ray doesn’t mind. It seems to me that we are just having a lot of fun.

I seriously doubt that this ray feels the same.

Koen, you can be such a party pooper!




And now the commercials. We’ll be back after the break.

 (Please think of a commercial tune yourself and hum it while visiting the loo.)


Still available through Stellai’s webshop:


Chloé – Short stories by Haremlover

This is an awesome paperback with lots of wonderful images, an absolute must-have! It is no longer available through Amazon, but we still have a small stock specially for you and now for a special price: € 15,50  à€ 10,-


Rosaleintje – ScoonimDoll photo stories -  Text written by Stellai

This wonderful  book is available on Amazon in several languages, both as e-book and printed. But… If you order now the printed version directly from us (write us an email), you will get it for a special price: € 15,09  à€ 10,-

These offers are temporary, so hurry to visit our website: www.Stellai-Shop.com, write us , tell us which book you want and mention one of the special discount codes below in your email:




( You can just pick the code you personally feel most comfortable with.)


Ok, I'm up and there is no shore to be seen in any direction, just endless waves of water and a boat. So, which way is north?  Oh, and hurry, because Speedy does not like it here. She very much wants to back to the bottom.

So you have named the ray and decided it is a female?….. Okay, whatever. No need to head north, just head for the boat. It will get you back to shore. Can you see what kind of boat it is?

Is there more than one kind? I'm not an expert on boats, you know.

For a smart doll your lack of common knowledge never ceases to amaze me, Stellai, but yes, there are many. Best for now is to describe this boat to me. Anything noticeable about this boat?

Well, it floats on the water, it is huge, it looks rusty, it is pointy on the front and flat on the back,  and it has huge arms on the sides with enormous hammocks attached to them.

Arms with hammocks? I think you mean fishing nets. It is a fishing boat. That is not too bad. I suggest you go to it and look for a way to get on it.

A fishing boat? Great, then I can keep Speedy with me. She is a fish. Okay Speedy, let’s go.

I think you better set Speedy free before you reach that boat.  It is not a good idea to take your ray with you on this boat. She may end up…. dead.

Hey, not to worry, I will take good care of her. Okay Speedy, let’s go, we are going to be rescued.


Absolutely certain to be continued! (because we already know what it coming next! laugh )

Dibby, Nonamy and Padmina


Below you will find the links to all previously published episodes of Stellai’s journey:


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